Thursday, January 28, 2010

seeing spots

I LOVE polka dots! Plain and simple. Most all of the projects I make have some thing in polka dots included. This is a tote bag that I made. These bags are great and can be used for anything from a beach bag, overnight bag, green alternative to a grocery bag, etc... Any other ideas what you could use this versitile bag for?

My love for making bags and polka dots goes back to almost 7+ years ago. I came up with an idea to use ribbon, ruffle it and then layer it to make the outside of the purse. I have since collected lots of ribbon to make more bags but the time these bags take to make has hindered me from making many more. Seeing these pictures again though is giving me inspiration to start making more!

Here are two bags using this style that I have pictures of. The first was made with my sister in mind who has a "funky" style. It is made with 18 yards of black grosgrain ribbon with white polka dots.

I also made a little "going out" bag with black satin blanket binding. The perfect size for a night out on the town!

You can be sure there will be more bags to come! I recently bought laminated fabric to make a bag, not sure if it will become a beach bag or diaper bag, but the ability to wipe the fabric clean it could work well as either...stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. How do I go about getting the polka dot bag? I'm IN LOVE with it!


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